
Pajero Owners Club UK
Newsletter - 8th May 2008
Welcome to the first POCUK online newsletter - I hope you like the format?
I'm pleased to say that, with minimal loss, and a great deal of support from the server support group, ForLinux, the POCUK website and forums, (in fact, ALL of the Yellow Diamond Club services), have been safely transferred to a new server.
Thank you for your support, patience and good wishes since the old server was 'hijacked' towards the end of April.
Fortunately, the attempted hack was nipped in the bud in good time and, I'm glad to say, there is NOTHING to worry about!
A very small number of issues have been addressed and I'm confident that everything is now in place to prevent anything similar happening in the foreseeable future!
With the new server up and running, I'm happy to announce that I have now managed to start getting a range of Pajero service items online, in the Club Shop, starting with glow plugs and a range of individual filters and filter-kits, with more to follow as it becomes available - Click HERE to visit the online Club Shop.
The new parts / service consumables section in the Club's online shop can be accessed directly HERE.
Remember - the more you take advantage of the great deals available in the Club Shop, the more I will be able to offer, ALL of which I personally stock, check and dispatch.
I had a number of options available with the range of products I am able to offer, but I believe I have captured the right balance with the very highest quality pattern parts at the most competitive price - I could have listed cheaper, lower quality gear, but I wasn't prepared to make that compromise. I now have access to a FULL range of top quality Japanese pattern parts and will be stocking the widest range possible.
Please be assured - ALL of the small profit made from each of the Club Shop sales goes towards the running costs of the Club.
I am pleased to say that I am still making good progress with regards to deals with a variety of insurance companies / brokers, including Adrian Flux (0800 916 1257), Warwick Davies (01903 238 889) and Sureterm Direct (0800 999 2030) - as ever though, our 'preferred broker' 2GFS (01945 585322) keep coming up trumps! In 95% of cases, the POCUK Club insurance scheme has proven to beat all other quotes ... Whoever else you check, please give 2GFS a call on our dedicated hotline : 01945 585322 - Ask about the latest FREE product - Accident Management - The best help when you need it the most!
Great news on the Club front ... Total Offroad Magazine are offering a range of discounts to POCUK Club members, giving at least 20% off their normal subscription rates - to get the best deal, check the details in the 'Members Only' area on the Club Forums HERE.
In addition, I am just in the process of organising a subscription deal for Club Members with 4x4 Mart Magazine. Their July edition, available in the shops from 13th June, will feature a full seven page editorial on the Mitsubishi Pajero / Shogun range. For more details, visit their website : http://www.4x4mart.co.uk - hold on for your subscription though ... We should be getting a massive 50% discount for Club Members!!
Our deal with 4x4 & MPV Driver magazine still stands - 40% off their normal subscription rates. Click HERE for more infomation.
I am constantly on the lookout for deals for the Club - if you know of anything, or find something useful - PLEASE - let me know - drop me an email and I'll see what I can do!
That's pretty much it for now!
Finally, if you are here because you received an email from the Club with this link and you would prefer to unsubscribe from the POCUK mail service, please login to the Club Forums, HERE.
Once you've logged in, click on the [Usergroups] link towards the top, right of the forums page... here, you will see a drop-down list of usergroups to which you have access ... choose [Mail list] and click on [View Information] where you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe from the club newsletter.
If, for any reason, you wish to close your POCUK forum account, please send an email to the club using the link below, (please add your registered forum username and/or the email address you registered with, to your email to enable us to locate your POCUK account details) :
Email the POCUK for account closure
Thank you for taking the time to check this email - I trust you've found it worthwhile.
Simon (Admin / POCUK)
Pajero Owners Club UK - The Premier Club for Owners of Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun and Montero 4x4's
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