Auto Emission Control
All vehicles should have passed Auto Emission Control Law in Japan and are suitable for the UK.
Speedometer and Odometer
The speed display is in kph, not in mph. Modification is necessary to change to an mph display for U.K Spec, although the odometer can continue to count kms rather than miles
Vehicle Brand
Naming for domestic market could be different from ones for overseas markets. Please confirm it with picture and model number.
UK Customs and Excise
At the time of June 2000, the rate of duty on cars, either new or used, is 10%.
At the time of June 2000, the VAT is 17.5% on all goods.
Value for customs duty
This is the price paid for the vehicle (supported by the purchase invoice) plus the cost of transport and insurance to the point of entry to the EC(supported by documentary evidence, where possible).
Value for VAT
This is:
*the price paid for the vehicle (supported by the purchase invoice);
*the cost of transport and insurance and any commission to the point of entry into the UK (all supported by documentary evidence, where
*plus the duty.
Can I get estimates of duty and tax for vehicles?
The authority can give estimates in advance of the likely amount of duty and tax on your vehicle.
You should send your request to the office at the port you expect to receive the vehicle and include the details mentioned below. (However, this will be an estimate only and the final charge may be different).
What details of my vehicles do I need?
You should be ready to give full details of your vehicle to the Customs officer who examines it.
These should include as far as possible:
Model - the make, model name or model series number of letter, and whether it is GT, GT-S, G-Limited etc.
Numbers - the chassis (or frame) and engine numbers.
Engine - the cubic capacity of the engine and number of cylinders and whether petrol or diesel.
Body - for a car, the description of the body (e.g., 'coupe') and the number of doors and seats.
Lhd / Rhd - whether it is lift or right-hand drive.
Cost - the price paid for the vehicle.
Age - the year of manufacture, date of first registration when new and date of delivery to the current owner.
Miles / Kms - the total distance covered by the vehicle in miles or kilometres.
Extras - details of any extras fitted or special features(e.g., automatic transmission).
Defects - details of any defects in the vehicle which reduce its value.
Documentary Evidence - any documentary evidence you may have including the foreign vehicle registration document and, where possible, the purchase invoice should be produced at importation.
You may need further information on taxes
If so, please contact the following giving as many details as possible of your circumstances and of the vehicle.
Estimates of duty and tax for motor vehicles:
Vehicle Appraisal Unit
Parcel Post Depot
Charlton Green
Kent CT16 1EH
Tel no: 01304224377
Getting your vehicle licensed and registered in U.K.
Please obtain a Minister's Approval Certificate (MAC) under SVA.
Further information about SVA is given in the Department's free leaflet SVA2.
SVA Inspection Manual can be obtained by sending a cheque for 25 Sterling Pound payable to "The Vehicle Inspectorate" to:
The Vehicle Inspectorate
P O Box 12
The SVA test cost (correct at 01/05/2002)
Inspections conducted during regular office hours for a passenger car costs
Vehicles that fail a test can be re-submitted within 3 months for reduced fees of
At January 1999, the MoT Test costs UKŁ29.42 if conducted at a private garage, or
UKŁ15.00 if conducted in conjunction with an SVA inspection at a Vehicle Inspectorate Test Station.
Vehicles imported from Japan
The most common disparities with Japanese standards are:
No rear fog light in the correct position
No m.p.h. display on the speedometer
the fuel-filler nozzle being of incorrect diameter
Imperial Speedometer
The law requires that speedometers must include a miles-per-hour display.
Please note in particular that any modified display must be visible in daylight and in darkness.
SVA Testing Hours
08.00-19.00 Monday to Thursday and 08.00-16.30 Friday
To Apply for a Test
Application forms are available from Vehicle Registration Offices and from Offices of the Vehicle Inspectorate.
However, you must send completed applications to the Vehicle Inspectorate's Swansea office:
The Vehicle Inspectorate
91/92 The Strand
Once the completed form has been returned along with the fee, you will be sent a notice stating the time and place of the test.
The test, where possible, will be held at the Vehicle Inspectorate test station which you have selected.
Once your vehicle has successfully passed the SVA test you will be given a Minister's Approval Certificate (MAC). With a MAC you will be able to go to any Vehicle Registration Office (VRO) to get your vehicle licensed and registered.
Vehicle Excise License and Registration
You may do this at any Vehicle Registration Office (VRO) regardless of where you intend to live provided you have the right documentation and/or your car has passed any required tests.
Documents you need to present
For Vehicles up to 10 years old:
A Minister's Approval Certificate obtained on the basis of SVA.
and, for vehicles over 3 years old,
A valid MoT roadworthiness certificate.
IN ALL CASES you will also need to present:
(a) Customs and Excise form C&E 386, C&E 388 if appropriate to show that the appropriate taxes have been paid.
(b) A valid British certificate of insurance.